The Children of Cyberspace: Old Fogies by Their 20sMost of us know that a Kindle is not a book but a device that holds electronic versions of books. But what about newborns that are growing up with with technology that our generation (I'm 20 years old) had to at least become accustom to. There are two year olds out there that believe that Kindle = Book and kids that go up to computer screen and swipe there finger across it (ipod touch notion) to get some type of reaction. According to the article people in their 20's spend 2 hour/day talking on the phone and checking emails while our siblings (igeneration) spend more time texting.
Researchers are expecting this younger generation to be less patient and will expecting a immediate response to anything they communicate with. I wonder how social networking in companies will change in the future with the expectations of the younger generation?